Charlie is two year old purebred Golden Retriever.
He is an affectionate, fun loving and intelligent family pet.
He is adored by all that meet him due to his friendly nature. He is exceptionally good with young children and children with additional needs. He is fully wormed and vaccinated. He has a proven track record.
Sammadsen Maximus is a big powerful dog. He is from very famous Polish lines. He has fathered one litter of 11 puppies and his second litter of puppies are due early October. He is a gentle giant that loves everyone. Ladies can be kept here with him for a number of days if required. All enquiries are welcome.
Beautiful Cavachon for stud has produced lovely pups previously. He’s kind, loving and a great family pet! Contact for more information.excellent temperament. the pups in the pictures are from his most recent litter.
Very friendly boxer with a well known bloodline.very healthy male nice and lean and well built.can accommodate female over night or do house calls.has produced some lovely in house litters and have references and pics of them all. For anymore information please just give me a call. All paperwork here from ikc
Lovely active Golden Retriever dogs for stud.
Great temperament, affectionate & intelligent dogs.
Produced 3 large litters already.
Contact me to discuss more details.
Apollo is our loved family pet. Very handsome playful Boston terrier, amazing with kids. IKC registered and full genetic testing done, comes from a great line of Champion blood lines. Based in Dublin.
Please call Thomas on 0872229657
Bailey is a lovable family pet with a calm temperament. Bitches to come to Baileys house.
Bailey has fathered many healthy beautiful litters pictures below.
Pictures don't do dog justice
Contact 0838718570
This is our lovely Hector our miniature Schnauzer.
He is available for stud. He is honestly the best dog we have ever had. He is friendly, gentle and very affectionate. He is a purebred miniature Schnauzer. We bought him as a puppy and is very well bred. He has competed in a few shows locally and been placed very well in each.
Contact me on WhatsApp, call or text
Sophie: 087 4842054
Hi Chow Chow lovers
Our 18 month old handsome blue male Chow Chow, Cookie, has been semen tested and checked medically 14th Dec. All is in good working order. Cookie is from Gearoid Macfheargail's stable, and has passports, all vaccinations etc. He is IKC registered.
He is now in Dublin and available for dates.
Should anyone be interested, please contact me on 0873526361.
Dezzie is our one year old family pet, he is a very sweet, affectionate and friendly boy and is adored by our children.
Dez is very active and intelligent, he is obedient and loves to learn tricks. He is an invaluable member of our family and has noticeable caring qualities.
No matter where Dez is he receives plenty of attention from everyone. He has a beautiful red coat which is shiny and thick and a teddy like face.
We live on the Carlow/Wicklow boarder. Travel can be arranged.
Dezzie fathered 13 pups on his first service!
Bulldog available for stud, IKC reg with excellent bloodlines. He's a top class bulldog very friendly with excellent temperament, he's a proven stud and produces excellent pups
650 euro includes A.I.
Cavan area
Ph : 086 0677745
Sam is a purebred golden retriever from the Riverdance blood line.
He is micro chipped, registered, wormed and vaccinated.
He is 5yrs old.
Obedient gentle,friendly and active dog.
Great with kids.
Good track record as a stud.
Please contact for more details.
Calvin is a stunning working x showline German shepherd and brings the best of both lines together in one dog. He has started his show career with multiple wins. He is completely clean and parallel in the rear, strong top line and clear by parentage for any genetic issues. Calvin is incredibly confident and friendly, the kind of dog you can take anywhere.
Calvin has Czech working dogs behind him through his sire and German showline dogs behind him on his dam’s side. Multiple show champions and IPO titled dogs in his pedigree. His pedigree can be provided upon request. He is available only to IKC/KC reg’d bitches.
To inquire about stud service and arrange to meet contact on 0892139328 or
Ollie is a very well bred proven IKC registered Golden Retriever for stud.
Great hip score Great elbow scoreClear eye. UP TO DATE 08/03/2024Both of Ollie's parents were hip ,elbow & eye scored also (copies available to view)
Your puppies will be more valuable coming from stud dogs that have all their health checks.
Copies of all scores available to breeders.
Breed top quality pups.
Beautiful temperament, colour & very intelligent.
Great with children & other dogs.
Dog can be held in secure surrounding .
Average number per litter 9
Experienced stud dog handler
Richwell kennells & stables
Beautiful male Cavachon available for stud.
Colour is light tan/light apricot and white. Adored family pet and has studded a beautiful litter of puppies. Photos available upon request.