About dogs.ie

A safer way to buy & sell dogs online

Our mission is to make buying and selling dogs online safer for everyone. For over 15 years, we have been helping buyers connect online to find their perfect new best friend.

Paul & Yukon at 10 weeks

Dogs.ie was created to help people find a dog online. We aim to provide a safe & transparent process for both the buyer and seller. Ads that don't meet the legal requirements, e.g. valid microchip, date & country of birth present, license information included (if required), etc. are not published. All ads are checked before they are published. We aim to have only the highest quality of dogs ads on our site. We accept ads from private individuals, Registered Sellers of Pets and Dog Breeding Establishments.

Security on Dogs.ie

Security is the number one concern at dogs.ie. Our system requires all users to have an Irish mobile number in order to use the messaging system. This helps to ensure that any contact you receive via this website is indeed from a Irish person. Websites like ours are targets for scammers who pray on vulnerable people to part with their money. The goal is to be the safest Irish dogs classified website. We take all reports of fraud seriously and will take the appropriate action where necessary.

Supporting charity

We donate a percentage of each ad fee to dog charities, other Irish charities and organisations each year. Furthermore all registered animal charities & dog pounds can use our services for free, please contact us for an account .

Register with dogs.ie

There are many dogs out there in need of loving homes and our mission is to find each one a safe place to live. We are supporters of responsible breeding & ownership.

Website status : status.dogs.ie

Support information : Dogs.ie Support

Updated - 02.02.2025

Pricing for ads

The current prices are as follows:

  • Single dog for sale ad : €50.00 for a 30 day advert
  • Multiple dogs for sale ad : €50.00 for a 30 day advert
  • Sale ad bump : €12.00 adds 5 days to an advert & puts ad back to the top of listings
  • Dog for stud ad : €14.99 / month or €99 / year
  • Vet practice ad : €19.00 / month or €190 / year

More about pricing can be seen here.

Dogs.ie is run by Paul Savage and is operated by Synora Technologies, Inc. For credit card transactions, your bill will show a transaction from Dogs.ie or dogs.ie/bill, it is securely processed by stripe.com. Notes:
  • Ads can not be paid by pre-paid credit cards or virtual cards [more].
  • Phone activation codes are sent by SMS from 086-1800333 or   Dogs dot IE [more].
  • Prices are inclusive of VAT at 23%. Our VAT ID is IE 3954019WH.