Published 2 days ago
Pleased to be able to offer these sweet Cockalier puppies for your consideration.
Cockaliers are a cross between a Cocker Spaniel and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Producing what we can only describe as a Disney version of a Cocker!
Smaller, less energetic but still fun, beautiful big eyes, big floppy wavy ears and not as short a snout as a Cavalier King Charles.
Really great as a house dog, but also like the outdoors, family friendly, very trainable, have patience with children, and also not too small and fragile either. They also don't demand those lengthy walks to burn off excess energy.
We have 3 black and tan boys , who are confident, playful and inquisitive. 1 female black and white, who is more quiet and gently by nature and a little shy.
We are a family run registered breeder in West cork, established over 16 years.
Visits are more than welcome by appointment. Have a little look at our business page: Bantry Pet And equine ltd. For puppy updates, testimonials from owners and a transparent look at our place here at home near Macroom.