Bród is a very high energy Border Collie and has been working cattle since he was 11 weeks old.
He has a very strong build size of a dog with a lovely stance when standing, he has a great coat with great markings.
He was bred from two good working dogs in Kerry with both having worked cattle and sheep.
He has a brilliant temperament and is very friendly with children and other dogs, he has friendly and affectionate personality as-well as an extremely high work rate and ability to keep working.
Any further questions feel free to contact.
(will not breed him with a Merle bitch).
Lovely family dog, very friendly, curly non shedding coat.
He is brown cavapoo and red toy poodle mix, small and very healthy dog, weight only 5kg.
Cava is excited to meet lovely ladies.
Captain Tommy's Journey (aka Rip) is a proven, strong, 18 month old IKC registered Four Generation Pedigree Golden Retriever stud dog.
Sire: Mr. Archie Boy
Dam: Ruby Tuesday Lady
He is our family pet and has a good, kind and playful nature, is well used to people, especially children and has fantastic temperament. He is great company and very loyal.
Rip is in great health and has fathered a litter of 8 pups on both his and the mothers first time. Once the puppies were old enough, Rip enjoyed playing and relaxing with the puppies. I have included photos of the pups from the litter.