Welsh Corgi Cardigan dogs for stud

Showing 1 of 1 ad of Welsh Corgi Cardigan stud dogs.

The Welsh Corgi Cardigan is a small, long-bodied herding dog with short legs. They are one of two distinct breeds of Welsh corgi, the other being the Welsh Corgi Pembroke. Cardigans are the older of the two corgi breeds, with Pembrokes being developed from them. Cardigans are also the larger of the two breeds, with males averaging 30 pounds and females averaging 25 pounds. They are intelligent, active, and loyal.

Westie x Corgi for stud in Sligo
Published 5 days ago

Westie x Corgi for stud in Sligo

Kimis is a friendly and active westie/corgi that is looking for a female dog that would be similar to him physically in terms of size and color. He is well behaved, loves to run and is good with children.


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