Golden Retriever dogs for stud

Showing 1 of 1 ad of Golden Retriever stud dogs.

Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the Ireland. They are known for their friendly, outgoing personalities and their loyalty. Originally they were bred in Scotland to retrieve game during hunting sessions. They still love a good game of fetch, hence the name! Golden Retrievers are great family dogs and are also used as service dogs and in therapy work. They are intelligent and trainable, and love to be active. Golden Retrievers need plenty of exercise and socialisation, and do best in a home with a garden.

Lolmar Show Dogs - Golden Retriever stud dogs, IKC Registered
Published 1 week ago

Lolmar Show Dogs - Golden Retriever stud dogs, IKC Registered

Lolmar Show Dogs is based on the west coast of Ireland (Galway) and provides a stud service to Golden Retriever breeders. Currently Lolmar stands 5 exceptional Golden Retriever stud dogs. They are IKC registered. All our dogs are fully health tested, Hips, Elbows and Eyes and are all perfectly healthy. We can accommodate visiting females for the duration of their fertile period at our 5 star kennel facilities. Stud fees include board, cytology testing to predict ovulation, Artificial Insemination if required and an ultra sound scan at 30 days post mating. Check out our FB page Lolmar for more details about us and our dogs.


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