West Highland Terrier dogs for sale

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The West Highland Terrier is a small, sturdy breed of dog. They are known for their independent nature, and their love of digging. "Westies" are also very friendly, and make great family pets. They are active dogs, and need plenty of exercise. Westies are also known for being very good at hunting rodents.

Only 1 beautiful West Highland Terrier boy left in Wicklow
Published 5 days ago

Only 1 beautiful West Highland Terrier boy left in Wicklow

Wicklow West Highland Terrier Age: 8 weeks 1 Male
Good natured, loving, playful little brother and sister West Highland Terrier puppies available. Reared in the house with us from the night they were born so they are well used to interacting with people and our other pet dogs including their Mammy Penny who is a fantastic girl. They will make great loyal little companions for many years to come.


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