Staffordshire Bull Terrier dogs for sale

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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a British breed of short-haired terrier of medium size. It is of the bull terrier type, and is one of several breeds descended from the now-extinct English White Terrier. It is one of the most popular breed of dog in the UK, and is also gaining popularity in Ireland. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a muscular, stocky, and very strong dog, yet is also also intelligent and eager to please, making them easy to train. They are loyal and affectionate dogs that can make great family pets with the right training. Staffordshire Bull Terrier are on the restricted dogs list.

Dan the IKC Registered 18 month old male Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy in Waterford
Published 1 hour ago

Dan the IKC Registered 18 month old male Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy in Waterford

Male Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppy. Love this dog, bought him at 8 weeks, registered, vaccinated, wormed, extremely well looked after, excellent health. Dan is his name. He absolutely must go to a good home with kids and must be allowed to live in the house. He is constantly around people and loves kids. He must be part of the family. Moving house and animals are not allowed, this is the only reason he must go. Dan is still a puppy, only 18 months old. It is very important he goes to a loving home. He is registered with the Irish Kennel Club (IKC).


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