Staffordshire Bull Terrier dogs for sale

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The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a British breed of short-haired terrier of medium size. It is of the bull terrier type, and is one of several breeds descended from the now-extinct English White Terrier. It is one of the most popular breed of dog in the UK, and is also gaining popularity in Ireland. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a muscular, stocky, and very strong dog, yet is also also intelligent and eager to please, making them easy to train. They are loyal and affectionate dogs that can make great family pets with the right training. Staffordshire Bull Terrier are on the restricted dogs list.

Champ 🏆 Champ 🔵 Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies, IKC Registered
Published 3 weeks ago

Champ 🏆 Champ 🔵 Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies, IKC Registered

Offaly Staffordshire Bull Terrier Age: 3 months 1 Male, 1 Female
Hi, we are so excited to have some of the best pedigree blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies. They are IKC registered. The first litter in Ireland to be born the best of the best, Sire is champion Zaky from Hazmein kennels this boy has a big neck and block head which he past on to the pups and the best pedigree in Europe, Ch.piro uk top stud dog Ch.neo ,Ch.tonado boy blue,Ch.gracie princess,Ch.ninevah blue bomber, IntCh.ceraljo ace of hearts Dam is doing so well after her first litter and her pedigree is some of the best in Ireland with grand champion Bullzeye being her father she has been breed by me short and stocky like her father. I owned her mother as well hazmein ice queen,Dam pedigree GrCh.Bullyzeye,multi Ch.iron boy deleans,Ch.g therapy of deleama,multi Ch.russian resident Victoria,ABKC champion hatchet. The puppies are some of the best pedigree in Ireland so if you want some of the first litter in Ireland with this pedigree, Call or text anytime 0857643429 thanks. Puppies will leave with gain elite puppy dog food and will receive another one by gain dog food. No time wasters please. Pictures will be updated so don't contact me for pictures and videos. Good homes only. We are a registered dog breeding establishment. Delta Elite Kennels soon to be on IG


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